
  Dax…A Friendly Delivery Robot Born in a Small Rural Oregon Community Nova Dynamics LLC is a tech and innovation company in the small rural community of Philomath, that holds boasting rights of being the birthplace of Dax the semi-autonomous robot.  In 2018, Dax arrived on the scene of Philomath’s neighborhood businesses, sidewalks and doorsteps providing a unique and charismatic delivery service merging small town USA and the future of technology and robotics, approaching technology with friendliness over just functionality.  Dax has proven to be irresistible and remains a welcome and inspiring part of the Philomath community and a sure part of it’s future.  For a town that prides itself its’ logging roots and is mostly known for the Philomath Frolic and Rodeo, it’s a new day when this quirky and irresistible robot is making headlines that are rippling throughout town and the robotic and tech industries nationwide. Founder, Joe Sullivan a long-time resident with de...